Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Adrift in the Boneyard

I have a medical "tent" in Bistou, outside of Port-Au-Prince. I am working with a local Haitian M.D. and R.N. who have traveled here with me. A French aid group was here and left me with antibiotics, bandages, etc. This is good because United will not be delivering our supplies for another eight days and I will have to beg OCHA and scrounge from other groups when I return to town.

Well, the "tent" is actually a bunch of tarps held together with rope, with a piece of wood supported by other trash as a table.

There are 125,000 people here, and this is the only medical presence. We immediately began treating patients with pretty severe wounds. Infections are rampant and we don't have nearly enough. WHERE IS THE AID FOR THESE PEOPLE?? How could we possibly be the only ones here?

Spoke w. ABC news and some reporter is trying to get "clearance" to come out here. I'm not sure I understand the "clearance" part. We certainly didn't need any.