We’ve been doing spine cases all day. These guys have taken three spines where the patients were facing total paralysis. These patients will walk again because of the fabulous neurosurgeons. What great guys to work with!
They are doing terribly complex neurosurgery in a tent – with flies and people everywhere. It’s far from even a M.A.S.H. hospital, but considering the conditions in the country, it’s working. Sadly, these are untreated injuries from the earthquake now nearly four weeks ago. I cannot imagine four weeks with a broken back. But we have do do it. There is no place to ship these patients. The U.S.S. Comfort is full, as are the south Florida hospitals.
Several of the docs were wistfully remarking about missing the Super Bowl. I told Kleiman, who wrote to Asher. At one in the morning, Asher was rousting his Senior VP for I.T., the awesome Grace Kamakani, who figured this out and it looks like these wizards will make it happen. It will be a wonderful break and morale boost for some amazing men and women -- all put together by our cool allies Stateside.
MVPs all, and I am lucky to work with them.
Nearly 3:30 in the morning here. I have mounted a major attack on organizing our O.R. supplies and equipment, and Nick, the only other nurse who has been here as long as I have hiked a mile and a half, the long way around to the U.N. restaurant only a stone's throw away -- and has returned with much prized french fries and chicken kabob.
I get to sign off with some comic relief. Some of you contacted me asking why there were so many Scientology volunteers all over our hospital. Their bright yellow t-shirts can be seen everywhere.
Answer: They are working their butts off and are actually very helpful.
Even funnier answer: Someone back in Planet Hollywood did not do their homework. The poor Haitians hate the color yellow! It symbolizes wealth and the caste system..
Going to sleep and dream of my chicken kabob.