Saturday, February 6, 2010

F U.N. and Games

We're getting harrassed by the fucking UN again.  We tried to get to UN restaurant and were met by the same asshole who nearly ran me down last week.  There are 36 MDs and RNs here who are so frustrated over this.

It’s very bad here for a lot of the volunteers because there are very sick people here.  Staff gets dehydrated working in 90+ heat, loses electrolytes, becomes ill.    Massive dehydration.   Working very long hours in intense heat.  No fans and only occasional AC.  I've tasked Kleiman with getting us donations from FRS. 
We'll see.

Meanwhile we can't get a drink or a warm meal.  The losest we get to food is Chef Boyardee spaghetti. T
This is completely insane.  The UN is making us walk outside the compound on the roads they claim are sooo dangerous.  Asher carried no weight.  We are still being screwed by the U.N.

Meanwhile rumors are the the U.N. is bringing in a Love Boat.  Yes, in the midst of the disaster, word has it that a cruise ship has been commissioned where frazzled relief workers can repair.  To suites.  For a mere $100/night, or two months' income for most Haitians.

Although at this point, the Love Boat sounds pretty good.  The most nightlife we have here is rats.  Big ones.  I wonder if they were that big before the quake.  Then I try not to think about it.

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